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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Parents - The Only Ones Obligated To Love You.

Ever thought that how difficult our lives would've been without our parents? We actually never realize their value, or the priceless amount of faith they've in us, how much they believe in us, and how blindly they trust us. But for us? Our boyfriends/girlfriends become our priority. Under peer pressure, and just to get the tag of a 'cool person', we cross our boundaries and end up doing things which actually would hurt them. We put up hundreds and thousands of pictures with our friends/girlfriends/boyfriends, but sometimes, somewhere around we do hesitate putting up a picture with our mom/dad.

Not everyone out there is like that, some are. I don't mean to offend anyone, but yes, there are people out there who are ashamed of their parents because according to them they're not cool. It's normal, it's something you can't really change. Because the world out there makes us so concious about our level, that we end up doing things never realizing the fact that we are not like this. You must be thinking, such people are so fake, ashamed of their parents? Ashamed of the fact that I don't own a fucking BMW? Ashamed of the fact that I don't have pictures with my boyfriend kissing me?WHAT SHIT, they don't even deserve to live! ... this is exactly what we think, at one point of time in life, maybe one year back or so, I had such thinking. But then, few incidents changed me. It's us who makes them so conious, believe it or not. Does it even matter if your parents are not that good looking? Haven't they loved you enough? They kill their own dreamsn to fulfill yours. I don't think anyone out there among your friends would be so self-less to do that. No one will even sacrifice their dreams to fulfill yours. No one. Except a few gems out there. So never be ashamed of your parents. Whatever you're today, is because of them. If you think you're an intelligent, pretty and an independent girl, or you're a cool, good-looking boy, or a very good human being, then it's because of the way they bought you up. We owe our parents our lives.

... but sometimes, we do feel like our parents don't understand us, our generation, our feelings, our emotions.
Out of nowhere they seem to be just too experianced and too practical to understand our senseless kiddish pain and manage our broken hearts, or our relationships. The same way, even they feel that we cannot understand them. Blame the generation gap, or lack of understanding. But this is the most common problem in every house out there. Especially in India. But what we gotta do is realize the fact, that no matter what, they just want us happy. Your opinions, their understandings, a bit of limitations 'cause of your tender age, won't do much of a harm, would it? You understand their reasons behind rules/limitations, and they understand you and your feelings regarding your friends, studies, boyfriends/girlfriends and life. Isn't that fair enough?

No matter how narrow-minded/broad-minded your parents. If you share a good understanding with them, then there's nothing that could make things between you and your parents perfect. And if they don't tend to understand you, then it's better if you remind them that they were once teenagers too. Sometimes you sacrifice, sometimes they, isn't this how relationships work out? And who knows it better than our generation?

... because our parents' love is what we get for free, and the rest of the love? We've to earn it from the mean world out there.

"Love your parents and treat them with loving care. For you will only know their value, when you see their empty chair,"

- Unknown.